About Us

Welcome to Bricksurplus! We are a small family run business of Lego© enthusiasts sharing our passion and love of the bricks, the minifigs and everything LEGO©.  We love collecting and playing with LEGO© in our family with our custom figs, LEGO® weapons, LEGO® weapon packs, gear and vehicles to outfit our MOCs.  We recently started Bricksuplus to share the custom equipment and gear so other families, fans - little and Adult Fan of LEGO® (AFOL) and collectors can add to their play experience and epic MOCs. All of our products are packaged in Canada. We strive to provide the coolest LEGO® gun packs you can find - in fact, one of our brothers is a History nut who loves putting together accurate World War 2 LEGO® Gun Battle Packs. All of our products are designed to fit LEGO® Minifigures. 

We have recently expanded into hunting and outdoorsman gifts with the addition of our Tactical Home Gear line. These aren't toys - they're meant to make your home experience so much better!

We're constantly updating our stock with the newest must have items, so check back often!